DIVISION FOR FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONCESSION SUPERVISION, FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING AFFAIRS, HUMAN RESOURCES, AND LEGAL AFFAIRS Suzana Košćak dipl. oec Vice President for Financial and Commercial Concession Supervision, Financial and Accounting Affairs, Human Resources and Legal Affairs E-mail: skoscak@zagreb-airport.hr
DIVISION FOR INFRASTRUCTURAL, TECHNOLOGICAL AND OPERATIONAL SUPERVISION OF CONCESSION, CONSULTING AND EDUCATION Dr. Igor Štimac, PhD, IAP, EMBA, FRAeS Vice President of Infrastructure, Technology, and Operations for Concession Supervision, Business Consulting, and Education E-mail: istimac@zagreb-airport.hr
DIVISION FOR PROPERTY AND ASSET MANAGEMENT MSc. Damir Vince, IAP, AvMP Vice President for Property and Asset Management E-mail: dvince@zagreb-airport.hr
ADDRESS: Zagreb Airport Ltd. Ulica Rudolfa Fizira 1, pp 102, 10410 Velika Gorica, Croatia
COMPANY INFORMATION: Company Registration Number: 3216098 OIB: 60482636839