Zagreb Airport Ltd.

Welcome to the Zagreb Airport Ltd. website, where you will find many interesting information, such as the historical development of Zagreb Airport and projects related to airport development, of which the most important project is the construction of the New Passenger Terminal, based on the Concession Agreement which the Croatian Government signed as a Grantor, with the Zagreb International Airport Jsc. as the concessionaire. 

B. Eng. Ranko Ilić, MBA, Chief Executive Officer

Our Services

Planning and development of airport business
Planning and development of airport business
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Integrated management systems
Integrated management systems
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Software development for Airport business
Software development for Airport business
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Zagreb Airport Aviation Academy
Zagreb Airport Aviation Academy
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Recent Projects

  • Project "Concession of Zagreb Airport and construction of New Passenger Terminal"
  • Revision of the transport development strategy of the Republic of Croatia with an environmental impact assessment
  • Feasibility Study of Zadar Airport future development (associates on the project)
  • Zadar Airport Masterplan
  • Revision of the Zadar Airport Passenger Terminal Study
  • Zadar Airport Airside development study

Our Clients Says

Stručnjaci Zračne luke Zagreb d.o.o. bili su nezamjenjivi dio usluge koju smo zajednički pružali klijentu. Ista je bila na najvišoj razini i za svaku pohvalu. Kolege iz Zračne luke Zagreb d.o.o. su svakako prva adresa u slučaju potrebe za novom suradnjom u području zračnog prometa.

Katarina Jarža Consulting, Ernst & Young Savjetovanje d.o.o.

Predanost koju sam osjetio kod tima Zračne luke Zagreb d.o.o. ulijeva sigurnost, a dosadašnji rezultati i potvrdu znanja i stručnosti. Užitak je raditi s takvim timom i drago mi je da su dio našeg uspjeha.

Josip Klišmanić Direktor, Zračne luke Zadar d.o.o.

Stručni tim Zračne luke Zagreb d.o.o. značajno je doprinio određivanju smjera našeg poslovnog razvoja te su pravi odabir za suradnju i rješavanje ključnih pitanja na području zračnog prometa. Svoje znanje i iskustvo su kroz individualan i iznimno profesionalan pristup primijenili na naše poslovanje, ukazali nam na prednosti i nedostatke te predložili kvalitetna rješenja kako doći do željenih ciljeva.

Ivan Kos Direktor Zračne luke Osijek d.o.o.

Sjajan tim profesionalaca! Pravo je zadovoljstvo i užitak surađivati s njima, jer su uvijek pouzdani, profesionalni i visoko kompetentni u području zračnog prometa. Voljeli bi da svi naši partneri budu kao što je stručni tim Zračne luke Zagreb d.o.o.!

Ana Falak HUP - Direktorica granskih udruga

Most of all, we appreciate doing business with someone who performed exactly as promised. Thus, Zagreb Airport Ltd. team started and completed the job on time, and every detail we discussed was handled exactly as they said it would be. We are highly selective and committed to collaborating only with those companies that are skilled in their field, and the Zagreb Airport Ltd. team certainly proved to be a partner that matches our expectations.

Goran Jandreovski, IAP CEO at Airports of Montenegro